Shifting of World Economic power from US to China

After 16,697 deaths,drastic fall in the stock market and an emergency rate cut by the Federal Reserve,there is reason to be worried about the ultimate economic impact of the corona virus in the USA. The decision of the not locking down the entire USA by the President Donald Trump is one of the most important reason for the continuously growing number of corona virus cases in America. Donald Trump did so as he did not wanted US economy to become weak in front of the Chinese economy. This decision of Donald Trump has provided to be wrong in the two aspects. First aspect is that the US is losing it’s large number of people due to which it’s manforce is becoming automatically weak. The second aspect is that the US economy is becoming weak. The total number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in America have crossed more than 2 lakh. New York city has the maximum number of cases which presently stants at 113,704 out of the country’s total of 2,87,216. Earlier Donald Trump did not took the matter of COVID-19 seriously. But since two weeks when there has been continuous increase in deaths and positive COVID-19 cases than Donald Trump has started taking this epidemic seriously. Donald Trump has accused China for spreading of COVID-19 as he has called COVID-19 as Chinese Virus. Although the first case of COVID-19 was found in Wuhan which is a city in China in the month of December last year. But few days ago a spokesman of China’s foreign ministry,Zhao Lijian tweeted”it might be the US army that brought the corona virus to China. This conspiracy of China against US also says that 300 athletes from the US military who in October 2019 attended the 7th Military World Games in Wuhan,where the corona virus epidemic first broke out were infected with the virus, thereby spreading it in China

Corona Virus-The Weapon of China

The first case of corona virus in China was found in the month of December of the year 2019.But at that time the Chinese government had took it very lightly and had not taken any steps for dealing with this virus which became epidemic and killed almost 3500 Chinese people’s.Some news reports says that the Chinese has started the manufacturing of masks, senitiser and ventilator in a very large scale in the month of December only.This compels us in thinking that was this virus who has been given name COVID-19 by the World Health Organization developed in the Chinese lab by the Chinese people.China is the first preference of most of the investors from all over the world and they invest huge amount of money in China.The intention of the Chinese behind developing this virus can be creating panic in the minds of investors so that they can leave China and then the Chinese people can buy shares from them in the lowest price and when the situation will get normalised than they can sell that shares in much higher price.One more intention of the Chinese can be that by creating the situation of fear and panic in the whole world they will be able to destroy the economic systems of all the other countries and by manufacturing masks, senitiser and ventilator in very large scale they will sell these goods to the other countries and will earn lots of money.Since China is a communist country so we cannot say anything about it with full confidence.In China opposition political party have no role to play.The opposition parties cannot criticise the Communist party if the Communist party is doing wrong things or taking wrong actions or wrong decisions.We do not get to know anything about China during the normal days that what is going on there.But after the spread of this epidemic China was making videos in high definition and showing its condition to the world that how much they are suffering from this epidemic The magazines and newspapers of China are printed and published in the Chinese language only so that if any new research or any new findings have been done than the people of the other countries cannot get to know anything about them.They keep hiding themselves from the rest parts of the world.